The lower Zambezi is a breathtaking gem in Zambia. Near Kanyemba Island the river is filled with wildlife of all shapes and sizes. One particular animal found there in the hundreds are the hippos.
If you know a little about the hippo you will know it is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa and causes more human deaths than lions or crocodiles - scary stuff… One summer holiday we had the pleasure of spending 2 weeks at Kiambi Safari Lodge on the lower Zambezi in Zambia. On the particular day, we booked a sundowner cruise on the river with the hippo infested waters. It’s safe…. trust me…. I was nervous and excited at the same time. As we navigated the waters on a small boat, there were a few instances where we came very close to pods of hippos. All the way through I was hoping and praying that nothing would go wrong. And believe me, there was plenty that could go wrong. It reminds me of how some businesses deal with their IT. Information and communication are at the heart of every business, like the Zambezi that is the source of life for the people and wildlife. Without that, you can’t run and maintain a healthy business - you can’t make a living. A classic example of this is a server failure. You start to panic, your heart is beating faster... When it comes to IT, most businesses depend on HOPE as a strategy. You hope that the backups are up to date, you hope your failure is not too severe, you hope everything will be ok.
Sometimes it works but most often it doesn’t and results in frustration, loss of working hours and ultimately it results in financial loss... I have helped businesses to leverage cloud technology as a strategy to break free from the limitation of outdated technology and replaced the hope with Certainty and Peace of Mind. Like Joseph, our skipper, who navigated us safely on the Zambezi. I made the following transformations in their business: First, I ignored the “old way” of doing IT - internal email and file servers, cheap hosted email services and costly support agreements and adopted a new way. A state of the art cloud-based business platform that brought stability and flexibility into the way they work. Secondly, I positioned myself as an expert. People prefer to deal with experts. We implement a solution that has been adopted by more than 5 million business and 65% of the Fortune 500 companies. A system that can scale with your business. Thirdly, I adopted a Cloud IT Support model for my clients that significantly reduced their IT costs and allowed them to save or invest funds in other aspects of their business. My clients stopped paying the IT guy tax. To run a successful business with the flexibility to work from anywhere on any device, at any time and knowing with CERTAINTY that your IT systems are current and up to date, is key to building the business you love. Do you recognise any of the above?
The truth is that if you are just making one of these mistakes, you are limiting your income, freedom and potential. The world is changing and the old methods of doing things are going the way of the dinosaurs. If you don't change your ways, you fade into obscurity. However, if you are motivated and want to advance your business and migrate your IT to the cloud, I have good news. Step one is to schedule a no obligation 30-minute consultation and strategy session. In our 30-minute session, we can work on a strategy for your business and see if we are a good fit.
Click here: Book A Strategy Session