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Black Pearl Mail

The World’s Best Email Signatures & So Much More

  • Get consistent branding company-wide with centralized control

  • Let every email contribute to sales with calls to action

  • Know more about what happens with the email you send – opens, click rate etc.

BPM More

From Any Device

Whether an email is sent from a desktop, tablet or smartphone – your Black Pearl Mail signature will look the same, and it will look great on any device used to view your email.

Centralised Control

From your Black Pearl Mail console, you’ll determine the look and feel for every email signature in your company – ensuring brand consistency.

Send & Know

Don’t send and hope. Get notified when important emails are read, when you might need

to follow up and build a history of where emails are at after they’ve been sent.

Signature Marketing

The average employee sends 7,200 emails every year. Let every one of these emails be a micro billboard for your company. Measure opens and clicks, and export genuine lead lists for the sales team.

Employees send 7,200 Emails Each Year!*

From a business perspective, that’s 7,200 micro-billboards per employee. It’s not only an unbelievably powerful way to reinforce your brand, but it’s a gigantic opportunity to encourage qualified traffic to your website – directly to a promotion, press release, industry award or whatever will resonate and help you grow sales.

* according to research

Create powerful email signatures that showcase your logo, banners, promos, and social media. All recipient clicks are measurable, so you can determine what works best for your business.


Black Pearl Email works with Gmail, Office 365, Outlook/Exchange and SMTP for POP/IMAP.

As a Black Pearl Email Partner we can setup Black Pearl in your environment and integrate it with your mail platform.

Top 5 reasons to get Black Pearl Mail

Your organisation needs powerful signature branding that stands out in a busy inbox


Black Pearl Mail’s email signature builder enables you to create your email signature masterpiece in minutes using your company logo and/or banners. In addition to branding you can use your emails to promote awards and plaudits, announce new products or campaigns, add seasonal or topical salutations, and most importantly, drive traffic to any web content, for example your website, YouTube channel, social media, and so on.



Your IT staff need a system that provides central implementation and management (in-the-cloud)


With our central management console, you can apply new letterheads to individuals, groups or an entire organisation in seconds. This means that your email signature information is always up-to-date and relevant. IT managers will appreciate this, as email signatures can be a nightmare to implement and manage. Frustration has only increased in the age of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device); not only do signatures have to be accurately set up on a person’s company PC but also on their smartphones, tablets and laptops. Black Pearl Mail stores all signature information in the cloud, meaning that employees’ devices are untouched.



Your marketing staff (and external stakeholders) need powerful analytics and insights


Our analytics feature provides marketers with valuable data, including a full report of links and images clicked in emails, which in turn enables the use of A/B testing of different header and footer content. With our tracking report, administrators can see which emails have been opened, and employees can request an invisible ‘read’ notification on an individual basis (we call this ‘follow’).


Your largest form of owned media is almost totally ignored and not driving earned media


With company employees each sending out on average 10,250+ emails per year, email is easily the most poorly utilised form of ‘owned media’ (those channels that a business has direct control over). Black Pearl Mail brings this channel to life. By putting relevant, actionable content within each and every email you will drive more traffic to your website and social media pages, thus increasing your ‘earned media’.



It’s cost-effective, risk-free and easy to set up!


It is easy to set up, especially with Google Apps. There are no contracts, and you get a free trial – no credit card required.

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